Dr Roberto Piscetta
Piazza Failla, 2 - 10024 Moncalieri (TO)
P.Iva: IT 07272450011
Dr Roberto Piscetta
Odontoiatra - Specialista in Ortognadonzia
N° Iscrizione Albo Odontoiatri: TO1816
Tel: 0116472191 info@dottorpiscetta.it
Due to the Coronavirus emergency, to comply with the health provisions in force, the normal outpatient activities of dental clinics will be restricted. In order to guarantee yours and our health, in addition to the prevention rules valid for all, access to the practice will be subject to some conditions:
- in order to avoid gatherings in the waiting room, we ask you to present yourself in the office by appointment only, and to be on time. For all other needs (appointment booking, information request, administrative questions) you can contact us by phone.
- for the same reason, please come to the appointment alone. In case this can’t be possible (underage patients or special situations), only one accompanying person per patient will be allowed in the office.
- please report if in the last 15 days you have been in contact with coronavirus positive people or if you have suffered from the following symptoms: fever, cough, sore throat, cooling.
- your body temperature will be detected at your arrival at the clinic. In case of fever, even mild, you will be asked to postpone the appointment for 15 days.
- in case of simultaneous presence of more people inside the waiting room, you may be asked to wait outside.
For more information on preventing the transmission of coronavirus infection, please read the documents prepared by the Ministry of Health.
New coronavirus
10 behaviors
New coronavirus
10 behaviors
(with explanation)
Sure of your cooperation, we are waiting for you in our clinic safely!
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